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Basic Portfolios
  Simply Canadian
    ETFs | eFunds
  Classic Potato
    ETFs | eFunds

Advanced Portfolios
    ETFs | eFunds
    ETFs | eFunds
    ETFs | eFunds

Permanent Portfolio

Asset Mixer Portfolios

If you're just starting to build your portfolio then it's good to keep things simple. You can't go too far wrong with our basic portfolios. If you're more knowledgeable then our advanced portfolios may be up your alley.

These portfolios are just starting points and they don't take into account your unique circumstances. Always make sure you understand what you're getting into before investing and remember that no investment is risk free. Talk to an investment advisor if you need assistance.

Basic Portfolios

Both the Simply Canadian and Classic Couch Potato portfolios are great replacements for high-fee balanced funds. Simply Canadian sticks to investing in Canada whereas the Potato portfolio adds in some U.S. exposure.

Simply Canadian
  50% Canadian Bonds, 50% Canadian Stocks
  with iShares ETFs or eFunds

Classic Couch Potato
  1/3 Canadian Bonds, 1/3 Canadian Stocks, 1/3 U.S. Stocks
  with iShares ETFs or eFunds

Advanced Portfolios

The advanced portfolios go global. All contain Canadian, U.S., and international (EAFE) stocks while using Canadian bonds to vary risk.

PortfolioCdn BondsCdn StocksU.S. StocksInternational Stocks

Conservative: with iShares ETFs or eFunds
Balanced: with iShares ETFs or eFunds
Aggressive: with iShares ETFs or eFunds

Permanent Portfolio

Modelled after Harry Browne's U.S. permanent portfolio this Canadian version opts for a little more stock diversification due to our relatively small stock market.

It splits its money equally between cash (as represented by 3-month Canadian Treasury bills), long-term Canadian bonds, gold, and stocks. The stock component is split equally between Canadian stocks, U.S. stocks, and international stocks.

Canadian Permanent Portfolio: with iShares ETFS


We highlight two fund options. One, the TD eFunds which are regular low-fee mutual funds that are easy to access for many new investors. The other, exchange traded funds, or ETFs, which trade like stocks and require a brokerage account. ETFs tend to be better for those with larger accounts and for more experienced investors.

Mutual Funds:
TD Canadian Bond Index - E, Fee: 0.49%
TD Canadian Index - E, Fee: 0.32%
TD U.S. Index - E, Fee: 0.34%
TD International Index - E, Fee: 0.49%

iShares Premium Money Market ETF (TSX:CMR), Fee: 0.14%
iShares CDN Bond Index Fund (TSX:XBB), Fee: 0.10%
iShares S&P/TSX Composite Index Fund (TSX:XIC), Fee: 0.06%
iShares S&P 500 Index Fund (TSX:XUS), Fee: 0.09%
iShares MSCI EAFE IMI Index Fund (TSX:XEF), Fee: 0.22%
iShares Gold Bullion ETF (TSX:CGL), Fee: 0.55%

The fee listed is the annual fee charged by the fund or ETF. It does not include brokerage commissions, etc.
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