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Article Archive: 2024

Worth repeating
12/29/24   Fun
"In the financial world, some topics are serious, others not so much. Since it's the holiday season, it seems appropriate to look back at some of the past year's lighter moments"

Four questions
12/28/24   Health
"Where's my head at? Here are four questions I've been asking myself - questions, I suspect, that might also be interesting to those who aren't facing a terminal diagnosis."

Bargain, value trap or something in between
12/28/24   Value Investing
"U.S. large value equities are very attractive today - in fact, they have almost never been cheaper relative to the overall market. Their poor trailing returns have primarily been driven by falling relative valuations, not by deterioration in their underlying businesses." [pdf]

Ignorance of the crowd
12/28/24   Behaviour
"But, there have also been moments where the crowd failed me. And every time this happened, the reason was the same - the crowd did not have sufficient expertise. They simply didn't know enough about the topic at hand."

The Globe 250 for 2025
12/28/24   Stingy Investing
"The market is full of presents for investors and we're pleased to highlight the best it has to offer with our Megastar ranking of the largest 250 stocks in Canada. We provide a bounty of data on each stock along with two star ratings that sum up their merit as value and momentum investments. Our team of Megastars combines the best of both worlds and builds on the achievements of last year's team, which soared 51.1 per cent."

The Megastars for 2025
12/28/24   Stingy Investing
"Our new Megastar ranking of Canada's largest publicly traded companies evaluates each major stock on the TSX and awards two star ratings â€" one for the stock's appeal to value investors and the other for its allure to momentum investors. We then focused on the 20 stocks with the best blend of value and momentum characteristics, which form our Megastar team."

How big is the equity risk premium?
12/22/24   Markets
"Unlike retail investors, institutional investors do not simply extrapolate past returns into the future. They are quite rational and sensible. When equity markets decline, they increase their risk premium and thus their expected returns. When equity markets rally, they reduce their risk premium and thus their expected future returns."

Chasing past performance
12/22/24   Markets
"The only thing I know for sure is I've never seen sentiment so dour on corporations outside of large cap U.S. stocks."

Don't expect a repeat
12/22/24   Markets
"To be sure, markets will always be vulnerable to crises. Human nature today is fundamentally the same as it was 100 years ago. But nearly everything else has changed and, for that reason, I don't see the risk of a 1929-style decline being one that should keep us up at night."

Do As I Say, Not As I Did
12/22/24   Behaviour
"So you can't assume that someone's current habits are responsible for their current place in life. It was their prior habits, which are likely unknown to you, that got them where they are today."

A few questions
12/22/24   Behaviour
A few questions relevant to everyone that apply to lots of things

Growth is from Mars, value is from Venus
12/16/24   Value Investing
"Today, we have two U.S. stock markets: big growth stocks and everything else. At least, that's the conclusion that comes from studying daily return correlations."

Favorite investment writing of 2024
12/16/24   Media
"With 2024 near its end, it's time for my (Nick Maggiulli) annual tradition of gathering my favorite investment writing of the year."

Speed skates
12/16/24   Value Investing
"Value investors often talk about being fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful. While these are great talking points, from a business perspective it can be easier and more profitable to label yourself as a value manager or contrarian, while avoiding investing like a contrarian. Instead, simply own stocks that are working which are often larger weights in the benchmarks. You know, the feel-good stocks. In our opinion, it's not hard to find and buy stocks that will improve near-term relative performance. Playing along is easy. Investing differently is not."

Inflation blindness
12/16/24   Economy
"They attribute wage gains to their own efforts, and don't see any connection with price increases."

Persistent alpha
12/16/24   Funds
"It's possible that their edge lies in dynamic capital allocation to short-term alpha generators, rigorous risk management using advanced risk models, and the strategic use of leverage to amplify returns. If those are indeed the core building blocks in the model, there's no reason it couldn't be reengineered using the thousands of public managers plying their trade in liquid funds."

Long-term expected returns
12/16/24   Markets
"The CAPE ratio is the most reliable proxy for the valuation component. It adjusts the price-to-earnings ratio by using a long-term average of earnings, which helps smooth out the effects of economic cycles and provides a clearer picture of long-term valuation levels. Its consistent performance across multiple decades makes it a strong predictor of long-term E(R)."

Bubble beliefs
12/08/24   Markets
"Judging only by overvaluation beliefs, we had a bubble in 2000, a second bubble in 2021, and then a third bubble happening right now."

Trading arguments
12/08/24   Taxes
"Deadweight losses can occur under a variety of circumstances. Among them: when tariffs are imposed."

Pick Your Peril
12/07/24   Behaviour
"We all have a different collection of financial worries, and that drives the investments we buy and the insurance we purchase."

Old man yells at the cloud
12/01/24   Asness
"Cliff Asness, of AQR Capital Management, to discuss: the less-efficient market hypothesis, value investing, the quant world, private equity, and much more" [video]

Bet on low costs
12/01/24   Indexing
"In his 2017 annual letter, Buffett summarized the results: Over the 10 years, the S&P 500 returned an average 8.5% a year. By contrast, the group of hedge funds returned just 3% annually."

Norway shrugged
12/01/24   Taxes
"Norway's entrepreneurs are now indeed disappearing from society. In the past two years alone, a staggering 100 of Norway's top 400 taxpayers, representing about 50% of that group's wealth, have fled the country to protect their businesses."

Remember the global financial crisis
11/24/24   Bonds
"16 years later, some experts believe new risks are emerging. And this time, they are linked to highly indebted companies backed by private equity firms, which are part of the growing but opaque portion of the financial system known as the shadow banking sector."

Stuck at home
11/24/24   World
"The anti-foreign-stock drumbeat has grown louder with each additional year that international markets underperform U.S. shares. Indeed, even though foreign stocks beat U.S. shares in the 1970s, 1980s and 2000s, there are folks today who argue there's no reason to own foreign shares."

Misleading indicators
11/24/24   World
"Horstmeyer looked at 34 markets from around the world and examined the relationship between investment returns and GDP growth. What he found was that the relationship was nearly inverse"

Frequent fees matter more
11/24/24   Funds
"What happens here is essentially the eighth wonder of the world in reverse. If fees are charged more often, capital cannot compound at the same rate because any recovery in funds is interrupted by the fees being charged. Over time this is the same as consuming dividend income in a stock instead of reinvesting the dividend into the stock. And this small difference grows larger and larger the longer that happens."

11/18/24   Buffett
"Why does Buffett have so much cash on hand now, way more than before? Of course, nobody can say for sure. But some things do come to mind."

Disappearing index effect
11/18/24   Indexing
"A similar pattern has occurred with index deletions. The average effect of being removed from the S&P 500 was -4.6% in the 1980s, -16.1% in the 1990s, -12.4% from 2000-2009, and a statistically indistinguishable from zero -0.6% from 2010-2020."

Rethinking asset growth
11/18/24   Markets
"The authors concluded that asset growth captures unique information that is unexplained by other traditional measures."

Shorting credit
11/18/24   Bonds
"today, we want to write about shorting credit. Let's start with why shorting credit might be a horrible idea."

Cheap water
11/18/24   World
"The point is not to claim that all the Sahara could receive cheap desalinated water, but rather that technology is already at a point where we could start building cities in the Sahara if we wanted to."

Remember, remember
11/10/24   Behaviour
"Because no matter what we do, we can't help remembering past experiences with specific stocks or funds. I know every time I am analysing a stock that I previously owned I involuntarily think of whether that stock has made me money in the past or not. And guess what, this skews my investment decision."

Advice for the kids
11/10/24   Thrift
"We aren't a wealthy family. But we can strive to lift up each generation that follows, so our family remains financially resilient - and doesn't suffer the suffocating money stress that afflicts so many."

No perfect answers
11/10/24   Behaviour
"I find Munger's comment instructive. It illustrates a reality about personal finance: that the notion of a perfectly optimal answer to any financial question is just that - a notion. Similarly, relying solely on a calculator to make financial decisions rarely results in the best answer."

Ghost jobs
11/10/24   Management
"ghost jobs contribute to job search fatigue, increased application costs, and potentially longer periods of unemployment. These effects can skew job seekers' expectations and lead to a misallocation of resources, as they invest time and effort in pursuing positions that are not genuinely available. This, in turn, can elevate reservation wages and disrupt the equilibrium in job search models, affecting overall labor market efficiency."

11/03/24   Stocks
"Parkland is a value play. And maybe a special situation play down the road." Disclosure: I have a few shares.

Don't place that call
11/03/24   Markets
"Thales was right, and he ended up making a fortune. Perhaps more important, with his payments to the olive press owners, he invented a new financial concept, now known as an option. Today, options exist across the financial world, and investment funds that employ options have been growing in popularity."

Embrace the skew
11/03/24   Markets
"To truly benefit from stock investing, it's necessary to embrace both the emotions and the rewards that come with positive skew. This means learning to live with tail events. They may be uncomfortable when they occur, but they are an integral part of long-term success in the stock market."

Fooled by randomness
11/03/24   World
"In economics, finance, politics, and most social sciences we create models with an error term and then conveniently ignore the error term as 'noise'. But nobody is ever taught how to interpret noise even though the noise part is arguably at least as important as the assumed signal."

The small cap amplifier
10/25/24   Value Investing
"Over the first eight decades of recorded US stock market history, from 1926 to 2007, small caps outperformed large firms by a robust 2.5% annualized. The size premium was even stronger among microcaps, which outpaced large firms by 3.2% annualized. Therefore, allocating to microcaps provided incremental value to owning the small cap index, with microcaps delivering an additional 0.7% of return per year."

I love cyclicals
10/25/24   Value Investing
"In summary, the key to making money in cyclical stocks is to own strong balance sheets, normalize earnings, and require an adequate rate of return. Our best results have come from buying when profits are depressed and declining. Rarely, if ever, has it made sense to buy cyclicals near the peak of their profit cycles, even though that's when it's most tempting and exciting to own."

Before you quit
10/26/24   Retirement
"Here are five notions that I'd encourage those approaching retirement to ponder."

The magic of low cost energy
10/26/24   World
"The western US is a parched opportunity to create millions of acres of prime land for the next billion Americans to live on. Only one ingredient is missing - water."

A generational investment
10/21/24   Markets
"With all eyes on US large cap growth stocks and disinflation beneficiaries, we see bigger opportunities in international, small caps, value stocks and inflation beneficiaries."

Buybacks for US, dividends for EU
10/21/24   Value Investing
"The net effect of both trends is that total shareholder return can explain forward returns quite well, but how investors reward the composition of shareholder returns differs. In the US, companies with higher buyback yield enjoy higher returns, but higher dividends appear to have negligible impact on forward returns. Internationally, higher dividend yields have a linear relationship with higher returns, and higher buyback yields have directionally higher returns, but the relationship is less monotonic."

10/21/24   Markets
"Fast forward to today, and a Tesla bear may be able to give countless, cogent, reasons why the stock rally during the period above was the perfect storm of pandemic lockdowns, chip shortages, and meme-stock hysteria; or even if it wasn't, of how the fundamental story has changed dramatically since, with the emergence of competitive models from traditional manufacturers, overwhelming competition from the Chinese, the saturated appetite of early EV adopters, the deceleration of growth, the collapsing of gross margins, continued struggles with the software and truly driverless automated vehicles, difficulties with regulators, management team losses, diverted CEO attention, or other concerns about corporate governance."

Equally bad?
10/21/24   Markets
"Today, just 10 stocks account for 35% of the S&P 500's total value. And while the largest technology stocks - dubbed the Magnificent Seven - have done exceedingly well in recent years, their extreme outperformance is making people nervous."

10/21/24   Behaviour
"I was recently asked at a conference how investors should feel about the stock market given that it's basically gone straight up over the last 15 years. My first thought was: you're right. If you started investing 15 years ago and checked your account for the first time, you would gasp. You've made a fortune. Then I thought, wait a minute. Straight up for the last 15 years? To echo my wife: What are you talking about?"

Sticking with stocks
10/13/24   Behaviour
"Do the math, and you'll likely find stocks are a small part of your overall wealth, and hence any market slump would put only a modest dent in how much you're worth."

Mob rule
10/13/24   Indexing
"In the past, there was the notion of the wisdom of crowds, which posited that groups of people together make better decisions. But Asness feels that today's social media has produced the opposite result, turning large groups of people into 'a coordinated clueless and even dangerous mob.'"

An eternal feature of financial markets
10/11/24   Value Investing
"we share the key results from our study of out-of-sample factors over a sizable and economically important sample period. Using the longest sample period to date - 1866 to the 2020s - we dispel concerns about the data mining and performance decay of equity factors. We find that equity factors are robust out-of-sample and have been an ever-present phenomenon in financial markets for more than 150 years."

The Sahm rule as a recession indicator
10/11/24   Economy
"Since the Sahm rule focuses on unemployment, it is most successful at indicating a recession when the source of the shock is more unemployment focused"

Human error is predictable
10/11/24   Markets
"Contrary to rational expectations theory, humans might actually be predictably irrational, especially when it comes to making predictions about the future."

Do it your way
10/07/24   Behaviour
"It's possible to be humble and learn from other people while also recognizing that the best strategy for you is the one closest aligned with your unique personality and skills."

Underwater overseas
10/06/24   World
"But in the data we have, there's a clear pattern of U.S. and international stocks taking turns as the better performer. On a chart, their relative results look a bit like a sine wave, oscillating back and forth. International stocks saw periods of outperformance in the mid-1970s, the mid-80s and the mid-90s."

Bad news for the homebuyers
10/06/24   Real Estate
"Imagine laying out the following scenario a few years ago: Inflation will hit its highest level in four decades. That will force the Fed to raise rates from 0% to 5%+ in a hurry. Inflation will eventually fall back to target but a recession isn't the reason why. By the time the Fed is ready to start cutting rates the stock market will be back to all-time highs. Gold too. And housing prices."

Bonds back in play
10/06/24   Bonds
"We found that after periods of declining stock-bond correlations, a 60/40 portfolio tends to outperform an all-equity portfolio on both an absolute and risk-adjusted basis. The strength of the 60/40 portfolio in these periods lies in its ability to reduce equity volatility and benefit from bond price appreciation during equity downturns."

The great pumpkin
09/28/24   Markets
"While valuations support our view that stocks are in another bubble, rarely is today's market labeled as one. This is the case even as equity valuations are near or above past bubble peaks. Given the associated career risk and fear of being labeled an extremist, few professional investors are willing to even say the word. As Linus puts it, 'There are three things I've learned never to discuss with people: religion, politics, and the Great Pumpkin.' While avoiding talking about an asset bubble may make it easier to participate, it doesn't reduce the risk of its presence."

Spending rules
09/28/24   Thrift
"I fall back on seven rules that - I hope - will make my spending less impulsive and more thoughtful."

The great rotation 2
09/28/24   World
"When the United States last exceeded 60% of global market capitalization in the 1960s, the US economy accounted for 40% of global GDP. Today, the US is similarly overrepresented in global market capitalization, but it only accounts for 26% of global GDP."

Solar's extraordinary growth
09/23/24   World
"Combined solar-plus-storage energy projects are already cheaper than new fossil fuel power plants in many parts of the world, and costs are poised to fall further."

Cliff Asness and three quant crises
09/21/24   Asness
"I don't think I was wrong from that period for our form of value, but the old saw in this industry is 'early is the same thing as wrong.'"

Are demographics destiny?
09/21/24   Markets
"After controlling for working-age population, basically every country besides Italy has had remarkably similar changes in their overall GDP. This isn't GDP per capita because it doesn't use total population, but working-age population. In other words, GDP per worker has grown roughly the same across these developed economies. "

Upside down
09/21/24   Bonds
"Well, look at that! As the Fed cut the short-term policy rate, yields in the portion of the yield that matter more rose."

Never quite enough
09/21/24   Behaviour
"This striving is truly never ending. Like everybody else, I'm running on the hedonic treadmill, figuring happiness is just one accomplishment away, only to discover I never quite reach the finish line."

Forecasting volatility and correlations
09/21/24   Markets
"Although returns appear to follow a random walk, we see that this simple model actually does an okay job of predicting volatility and a good job at predicting some of the correlations."

Jonathan Clements' financial plan
09/15/24   Retirement
"Personal finance master Jonathan Clements is turning his recent terminal cancer diagnosis into an important teaching opportunity on money and life." [video]

The Great Rotation
09/15/24   Markets
"investors may be well served by balanced allocations that are based on net income generation, with around 55% weight in the US and 45% internationally."

Paid to not understand it
09/15/24   Crime
"I used to wonder why these platforms care so little. Don't they want a better user experience? Don't they want people not to get scammed? Don't they care about their platform's reputation? Then it finally clicked. They don't care because caring won't generate profits right now."

Laying down a floor
09/15/24   Retirement
"What if we could create an inflation-indexed guaranteed pension from half of our savings - one that wouldn't involve any annual investment expenses, aside from paying taxes on the amount we take out every year?"

Diversifying equity portfolios
09/15/24   Markets
"International equities clearly provide the most diversification benefits of any of the major style exposures. US small caps are next. US large-cap growth, large-cap value, and mid cap provide the least diversification."

The less-efficient market hypothesis
09/08/24   Asness
"I argue that over the past 30+ years markets have become less informationally efficient in the relative pricing of common stocks, particularly over medium horizons. I offer three hypotheses for why this has occurred, arguing that technologies such as social media are likely the biggest culprit. Looking ahead, investors willing to take the other side of these inefficiencies should rationally be rewarded with higher expected returns, but also greater risks."

Cumulative vs. cyclical knowledge
09/01/24   Markets
"Reading old finance articles makes you feel like the ancient past was no different than today - the opposite feeling you get reading old medical commentary."

Pizza Pizza
09/01/24   Value Investing
"While we appreciate the desire to reduce exposure to overvalued large cap stocks, we do not believe blindly rotating into less liquid, and often financially constrained, small cap stocks is the answer. In fact, with valuations still expensive, debt maturities approaching, and buyback bids disappearing, we believe investors currently piling into small cap stocks will ultimately be disappointed."

Unwanted attention
09/01/24   Indexing
"There's a federal regulation that no investor can buy more than 10% of the shares of a U.S. bank without regulatory approval if it's seeking to “control” the bank. Thanks to the popularity of its index funds, Vanguard funds collectively owned 12.5% of State Street's shares as of June 30. They also owned 9.9% of Bank of New York Mellon and 9.4% of JP Morgan Chase."

Debt and taxes
09/01/24   Taxes
"the argument to avoid a higher marginal rate today to pay an expected lower effective rate tomorrow is sound if tax rates don't go up much in the future. But that's a huge 'if' that doesn't seem promising given the U.S. government's current fiscal situation."

Are we now too impatient to be intelligent?
08/28/24   Behaviour
"Rory explains how we weight information that appears quickly over knowledge that really matters." [video]

A cautionary tale of forecasting
08/25/24   Behaviour
"Fisher lost everything and never recovered. The belief that he could predict the future, combined with massive margin debt, was his downfall."

Avoiding bad guys
08/25/24   Crime
"When we think about financial malfeasance, names that typically come to mind are Ponzi and Madoff. But unfortunately, they aren't the only ones."

Stop paying attention
08/25/24   Behaviour
"For the majority of investors - those who invest over the long-term for profits, dividends and coupons - there is no need to have six screens providing a plethora of real time financial market information, knowing what equity markets did yesterday is an irrelevance and it is okay to ignore the latest hot topic."

Michael Mauboussin on concentration
08/25/24   Markets
"So the Rob A. thing was exactly right, which was it was if for 65 years, at least, it was really bad to own the number one stock." [video]

A guide to semi-retirement
08/24/24   Retirement
"Do you like the idea of early retirement, but you don't want to have to save every penny? Do you seek financial independence, but you don't want to permanently leave the workforce? Then Coast FIRE might just be right for you."

08/24/24   Behaviour
"Every forecast takes a number from today and multiplies it by a story about tomorrow."

The Stingy News Weekly: August 11, 2024
08/11/24   SNW
This week we have plans, housing, bubbles, and more

Overvalued or new paradigm
08/11/24   Markets
"The takeaway is that the historical record suggests that thinking 'this time is different' is dangerous to your financial health."

A few little ideas
08/10/24   Behaviour
"It's almost impossible to charge for something once you've given it away for free, so choose your business model carefully. And people are extremely sensitive to even reasonable price changes, which is why inflation is always an emotional issue."

Turning on a dime
08/10/24   Retirement
"We make forever plans - and often end up shredding them in a few short days."

The bull case for housing
08/10/24   Real Estate
"Housing prices in Canada went crazy a number of years ago. Instead of mean-reverting, they turned it up to ludicrous speed and got even crazier."

The Stingy News Weekly: August 4, 2024
08/04/24   SNW
This week we have equal-weighting, retirement, graphs, and more

Worth the weight
08/04/24   Markets
"The S&P 500 Equal Weight Index has recently displayed underperformance in comparison to the S&P 500, driven primarily by historical extremes of performance in the market's largest names. Moreover, concentration in the broader U.S. equity market has increased to its highest in many years, while single-stock momentum trends are showing unusual signs of extension. Historically, such periods have tended to eventually revert toward their historical means, with such reversion accompanied by stronger relative performance by equal weight indices." [pdf]

Some crazy charts
08/04/24   Markets
"On a real basis, energy prices have gotten a lot cheaper over the past 15 years or so. You can get a better sense of this decline by looking at the amount people spend on energy as a percentage of overall personal consumption"

Unasked questions
08/04/24   Retirement
"But what about the questions we aren't asking? Here are seven crucial questions that I don't think get nearly enough attention."

Marshmallow test is not predictive
08/04/24   Behaviour
"Results indicate that Marshmallow Test performance does not reliably predict adult outcomes."

The Stingy News Weekly: July 27, 2024
07/27/24   SNW
This week we have 1999, slowing down, creeps, and more

Lifestyle creep is mostly a myth
07/27/24   Thrift
"After reviewing the data, I can say that lifestyle creep doesn't seem to be a major issue for most people. In general, as households grow their income, they either spend less overall or increase their spending slightly over time. It's a small minority of households that truly 'creep' their spending upward. This doesn't mean that lifestyle creep doesn't exist, but that the fears of it are greatly exaggerated."

That time of the market cycle
07/27/24   Markets
"when we consider valuations and the drivers of this cycle, sustainability is not a word that comes to mind. Instead of a healthy economy and invincible bull market, we see conformity, the extrapolation of the unsustainable, and a top-heavy market risking losing control on the upside. We see 1999."

No slowing down
07/27/24   Retirement
"I thought I had my financial affairs in good order. But in the two months since my cancer diagnosis, I've made countless financial tweaks, mostly with a view to making things easier after my death for my wife Elaine and my two children."

You cannot cut your way to profitability
07/27/24   Management
"A former colleague of mine who covered bank stocks likes to say that banks cannot cut their way to profitability. In my view this applies not just to banks but to every high-tech manufacturer and most services companies. In other words, most of our modern economy. You cannot cut costs to become more profitable. You can only invest your way to profitability."

Negative trading in congress
07/27/24   Government
"We investigate negative trading, such as short selling, by members of Congress. We find, based on a new comprehensive dataset of trades by members of Congress, that negative trading not only is common, but also is associated with positive abnormal financial returns. Simply put, members of Congress's bets on stock price drops make money."

The Stingy News Weekly: July 21, 2024
07/21/24   SNW
This week we have long-term returns, growth bias, overconfidence, and more

Don't take the last dollar
07/21/24   Behaviour
"Ultimately, the best way to negotiate is to not take the last dollar. It's to always negotiate as if you're playing an infinite game. Of course, no game is truly infinite. But, you should act as if it is in almost all cases. Even when you know that an infinite game is ending (i.e. becoming finite), you should still pretend its infinite. Why? Because how you behave in those situations will follow you. It's your reputation you have to worry about. And your reputation is an infinite game. It lives on even after you're gone."

A time traveler's guide
07/21/24   Markets
"Although he did note that actually these long-term performers had somewhat moderate returns - on an annualized basis - compared to the companies that periodically pop up throughout stock market history through surging and capturing the imagination of an entire generation of investors, before ultimately fizzling out. Think RCA in the 1920s, Polaroid in the 1960s, or Cisco in the 1990s. 'Really high returns,' he wrote to us. 'Don't persist.'"

Highest long-term returns
07/21/24   History
"Annualized compound returns to these top performers relatively were modest, averaging 13.47% across the top seventeen stocks, thereby affirming the importance of 'time in the market.'"

Neglecting equilibrium
07/21/24   Markets
"The biggest difference between an academic view of markets and the view of actual investors is that most investors believe that higher future earnings growth means higher future stock returns, whereas academics believe this information is priced in by an efficient market."

Overconfidence and emergency planning
07/21/24   Behaviour
"The median subjective emergency fund ratio is 1.4, indicating that most respondents perceive their emergency funds to cover only 1.4 months of expenses. Only 28% of respondents perceive that they need at least three months of emergency funds. Overconfident respondents perceive a significantly lower emergency fund ratio compared to those with appropriately high financial knowledge. The overconfident group reported their emergency needs to be 21.4% lower than those with higher objective and subjective financial knowledge."

Asset managers' profits get thinner
07/21/24   Funds
"In addition to feeble inflows and weaker company brands, the cost of doing business as an asset manager continues to meaningfully rise. Operating expenses grew at a rate between 2020 to 2023 that has cut into profits. The growth rate for data and technology was 13 percent over those three years; operations was 9 percent; business and support functions was 6 percent; investment management was 5 percent; and sales and marketing was 4 percent."

The Stingy News Weekly: July 14, 2024
07/14/24   SNW
This week we have risk, regret, cyclical stocks, and more

The risks we miss
07/14/24   Behaviour
"I've long argued that, to build wealth, we should avoid chasing investment performance and instead focus on three less-exciting endeavors: saving diligently, keeping a tight lid on investment and other costs, and managing risk."

A balance of regrets
07/14/24   Behaviour
"The bad news about diversification is that regret is a constant problem. The good news is that by spreading your bets, you avoid taking that regret to the extreme."

The superior returns of cyclical stocks
07/14/24   Value Investing
"So now you know what to buy. Cyclical stocks with low valuations. Then hold on to them for a long time. This is really the hard part because value investing is already psychologically demanding, but value investing in highly cyclical companies is a step up from that."

US stocks are much more expensive
07/14/24   Markets
"The US trades at almost a 2x premium to the rest of the world on EV/sales. And we see an even more dramatic story on price-to-book multiples"

The Stingy News Weekly: July 7, 2024
07/07/24   SNW
This week we have retirement, buybacks, inflation, and more

Did inflation kill the CAPM?
07/06/24   Markets
"Currently, with the excess CAPE yield below 3% and inflation above 3%, expected returns are low. Historically, after such periods, the market return was close to zero, but factor strategies still delivered positive returns of about 3% after inflation. Therefore, while the immediate future may not be promising for the equity premium, it looks bright for factor premiums."

Inflation impacts retirement
07/06/24   Retirement
"As much as I love running retirement scenarios using the 4% Rule, this is where they fall short. The 4% Rule assumes that retirees are robots who indiscriminately increasing their spending with inflation each year. Unfortunately, all the empirical evidence suggests that this isn't how retirees behave. If anything, retirement spending tends to go down over time, not up."

Companies are lousy market timers
07/06/24   Management
"The reason to rain on the buyback parade is that companies on average are lousy market timers: they tend to repurchase shares when prices are high."

Beware of companies moving targets
07/06/24   Management
"We are approaching the end of the second quarter and soon, companies will start reporting their results for the previous three months. Unfortunately, as research from D.A.T.A. shows, the results for Q2 and Q3 tend to be the least truthful results in the year"

Looking different
07/06/24   Retirement
"But suddenly, I am the oddball. I'm a 61-year-old with perhaps as little as a year to live, and that means my financial life today doesn't look like that of anybody I know - in seven key ways."

The Stingy News Weekly: June 30, 2024
06/30/24   SNW
This week we have value, buybacks, Europe, and more

The buyback wall of shame
06/29/24   Markets
"With the stock market trading at record highs, corporations are aggressively buying back stock. Some consider the current level of buybacks as a sign of confidence. Given valuations, we view it as a sign of capital misallocation and profit extrapolation."

Mean reversion, or extreme aversion?
06/29/24   Value Investing
"In other words, it is the value stocks in Europe which have been hit the hardest. Harder than the growth stocks, and even harder than US value stocks. Much harder, in fact."

Investors should expect the worst
06/29/24   Behaviour
"Although I am averse to making financial market forecasts, I can say with some level of confidence that over any long-run horizon most investors will have to encounter painful periods of losses in equity markets. Some seem unaware of this (or at least behave as if they are) while others spend most of their time attempting to predict when such phases will occur. Neither of these will lead to good outcomes."

The calm before the storm
06/29/24   Bonds
"In our view, neither private credit nor direct lending have rewritten the rules of credit risk. We'd argue that what passes for innovation in finance is often just repackaging risk in more convenient and higher-fee wrappers"

The Stingy News Weekly: June 22, 2024
06/22/24   SNW
This week we have Chou, discounting, trust, and more

Francis Chou talks at Ivey
06/22/24   Value Investing
"Francis Chou talks about value investing and his private company at Ivey" [video]

Chasing the biggest stocks
06/22/24   Markets
"Outperformance comes from the journey to the top 10, which can be breathtaking. However, once these companies reach the summit, it's much harder to maintain that outperformance."

The unexpected origins of discounting
06/22/24   History
"in 1626, Durham officials found a formula for fees that tenants would accept. If tenant farmers paid a fee equal to one year's net value of the land, it earned them a seven-year lease. A fee equal to 7.75 years of net value earned a 21-year lease. This was a form of discounting, the now-common technique for evaluating the present and future value of money by assuming a certain rate of return on that money."

The penny stock anomaly
06/22/24   Markets
"In summary, we have shown penny stocks generally have unattractive investment characteristics, with lower average returns and higher volatility than regular stocks."

Life after cars
06/22/24   Retirement
"Unless you want to end up as a celebrity to taxi and Uber drivers, you might take steps to ensure that your post-driving days allow you as much access to the world as possible. To be honest, the problem of life after cars isn't an easy one for most senior American suburbanites to solve."

Permission and trust climb in value
06/22/24   Behaviour
"Open systems come with the requirement of self-restraint and humanity. When we replace those with automated stealers of attention with a profit margin, the system can no longer remain open."

The Stingy News Weekly: June 16, 2024
06/16/24   SNW
This week we have yield curves, real estate, and more

Useful and overlooked skills
06/15/24   Behaviour
"There's a useful and overlooked skill: Accepting a certain degree of hassle and nonsense when reality demands it."

A changing yield curve signal
06/15/24   Markets
"The recessionary implications of the most recent yield curve inversion remain an open question. However, we think a more interesting question is what an inverted yield curve means for asset class and factor returns."

The C word
06/15/24   Retirement
"We can control risk, but we can't eliminate it. I've spent decades managing both financial risk and potential threats to my health. But despite such precautions, sometimes we get blindsided. There have been few cancer occurrences in my family, and it's never been something I had reason to fear. Chance is a cruel mistress."

Procyclical stocks earn higher returns
06/15/24   Markets
"We find that procyclical stocks, whose returns comove with business cycles, earn higher average returns than countercyclical stocks."

Why Haven't Home Prices Dropped?
06/15/24   Real Estate
"if you want lower housing prices, I completely understand. But, be careful what you wish for. You just might get it."

The Stingy News Weekly: June 9, 2024
06/09/24   SNW
This week we have very long-term returns, short selling, momentum, and more

Insights on short squeezes
06/08/24   Markets
"More broadly, portfolios with the highest short interest performed the worst on an absolute and risk-adjusted basis while those with the lowest short interest performed the best"

Don't bank on the equity risk premium
06/07/24   Markets
"If stocks will assuredly outperform bonds over intervals of, say, 20 years or more, where is the risk? And if stocks aren't risky over long intervals, why should their returns exceed the returns on bonds that are not risky?"

Unpacking the Equity Risk Premium
06/07/24   Markets
"Because stocks remain risky regardless of the holding period, stocks often outperform, because investors get compensated for taking that risk. Stocks are a good wager over the long term, on favorable odds. But stocks remain a bet, one that can go bad for any randomly selected investor over their personal time horizon."

Stocks for the long run?
06/07/24   Markets
"The new historical record reveals that the divergent performance of stocks and bonds from 1946 to 1981 was unique. Nothing like it had ever occurred in the century-and-a-half before. The most recent four decades look quite different, with stock and bond performance again approximating parity."

Is short-term reversal dead?
06/07/24   Momentum Investing
"There is just one problem with the short-term reversal effect. It has been missing in action for the last 20 to 30 years."

The Stingy News Weekly: June 1, 2024
06/01/24   SNW
This week we have retirement, freedom, Kahneman, and more

Lazy work, good work
06/01/24   Behaviour
"Here's a problem we don't think about enough: Even as more professions look like Rockefeller's - thought jobs that require quiet time to think a problem through - we're stuck in the old world where a good employee is expected to labor, visibly and without interruption."

The economics of different
06/01/24   Markets
"With investors piling into passive strategies and chasing many of the best performing stocks, the current bull market in conformity appears invincible. For the remaining active managers, investing differently at this stage of the market cycle can be a career killer. Nevertheless, given valuations and the drivers of the current cycle, we believe the economics of different have rarely been more attractive."

Buying freedom
06/01/24   Retirement
"The five ideas above help explain why we should save early in life to prepare ourselves for later, when we might want to change how we spend our days. But that still leaves one question unanswered: Why, come retirement, should our days necessarily involve working part-time?"

On the legacy of Danny Kahneman
06/01/24   Behaviour
"Importantly, Danny Kahneman himself, the one who identified many of the behavioral biases affecting us in the first place, states that awareness of the bias doesn't prevent even him from making the same behavioral mistakes that humans are apt to make."

The algorithms are broken
06/01/24   Tech
"The algorithm is not designed to help me - it just wants to manipulate me for the platform's benefit. When we encounter this in a retail store, it's called the hard sell."

The Stingy News Weekly: May 25, 2024
05/25/24   SNW
This week we have Zwieg on Graham, electric cars, hockey, gold, and more

Jason Zweig at Ivey
05/25/24   Graham
"Mr. Zweig discussed the topic, 'The Intelligent Investor: 75 Years Young. What Can We Learn from Graham that Still Matters?'." [Video]

The gold rally
05/25/24   Markets
"They find that gold's price has a near-zero correlation with gold stock used in jewelry, owned by central banks, or in the form of bars and coins. But gold prices have historically had a whopping 0.74 correlation with the amount of gold owned by gold ETFs."

The stock market in an election year
05/25/24   Markets
"In the seven or so weeks following an election there can be lots of uncertainty around how the future might unfold. But, if we look at how markets actually perform after an election, they are typically pretty average."

Man vs. machine
05/25/24   Tech
"I have a different concern: These AI engines are more than happy to create fabricated stories. Take a look at today's article. I cooked up the whole stuck-in-an-elevator-with-Jack-Bogle scenario in my head, and the AI engines took the notion and ran with it."

Time to scrap electric cars?
05/25/24   Tech
"The electric vehicle revolution has been grinding to a halt. Why are buyers not that keen, and what else is influencing the industry slowing down?" [video]

The president's trophy curse
05/25/24   Asness
"It's true. The President's Trophy winner usually doesn't win The Cup. It's true and yet it's still really dumb."

The Stingy News Weekly: May 19, 2024
05/19/24   SNW
This week we have Cliff, Seinfel, diversification, the future, and more

Cliff Asness interview
05/18/24   Asness
"Our conversation covers Cliff's journey from studying market efficiency under Eugene Fama to capitalizing on market inefficiencies at AQR. We discuss regime changes in factors, difficult periods for performance and AQR's business, research innovation, machine learning, index funds, pod shops, areas of cognitive dissonance, private equity, and serving on investment committees." [Video]

Seinfeld on money
05/18/24   Behaviour
"That money became everything. What happened because it was not like that in the seventies. In the seventies, it's how cool is your job? How cool is what you're doing? If your job's cooler than my job, you beat me."

Estimating future returns
05/18/24   Markets
"As of December 31st, 2023, the S&P 500 was forecasting a return of 1.34%/year over the next ten years, with no adjustment for inflation. As of the close on May 10th, 2024, that figure was 0.32%/year."

Diversification is about decades
05/18/24   Markets
"You don't have to look too far back for a lost decade in U.S. stocks (it happened from 2000-2009). In the 1970s and 1980s, U.S. stocks were closer to the bottom of the pack than the top."

Far from perfect
05/18/24   Economy
"Looking closer at that time frame highlights that in any 6 month period following yield curve inversion the chances that a recession comes are much closer to 50/50 than 100%. It's a coin flip. As the period moves further out beyond 18 months, the probability of predicting a recession falls closer to the long-term average U.S. recession probability (15-20% of months)."

The Stingy News Weekly: May 10, 2024
05/10/24   SNW
This week we have multiples, quality and value, small caps, and more

Valuation multiples
05/09/24   Value Investing
"the multiples of P/E and EV/EBITDA provide a similar signal. But there can be cases where two companies have similar P/Es and dissimilar EV/EBITDA multiples, or dissimilar P/Es and similar EV/EBITDA multiples. These differences are generally attributable to differences in underlying profitability, capital structure, or tax rates." [pdf]

Quality, value, or both
05/09/24   Value Investing
"For investors unwilling to compromise on both value and quality, we believe small caps are likely to present the most compelling opportunities."

Debt narrows what you can endure
05/09/24   Thrift
"once you view debt as narrowing what you can endure in a volatile world, you start to see it as a constraint on the asset that matters most: having options and flexibility."

05/09/24   Value Investing
"The small cap dating scene remains unattractive, in our opinion. However, for many consumer discretionary companies with debt, equity prices have fallen sharply, and valuations have become more attractive. That said, these aren't dream dates! Cyclical companies with debt often come with a lot of baggage and potential drama. Before committing and getting too serious, we recommend stress testing the balance sheet and cash flow by including periods with high unemployment and tightening credit conditions. And if alcohol is needed to stomach the risk, we suggest patience and waiting for a better match."

Inflation revisited
05/09/24   Markets
"Regardless of the starting inflation trigger, we observed that oil and gold performed the best, in our opinion, with equities next. Copper generally had middling performance, TIPS delivered unsatisfying returns, and 10Y Treasurys were consistently the worst performer."

The forever renter
05/09/24   Real Estate
"Last month Zillow reported that there are now a record 550 'Million-Dollar' cities in the United States. These are cities where the typical home price is greater than $1 million. While nearly half of these Million-Dollar cities are in California, the New York metropolitan area has the most with 106"

Momentum and clarity of trend
05/09/24   Momentum Investing
"Individual investors can utilize momentum strategies without incurring additional costs by incorporating momentum into trading decisions. For example, when rebalancing, they can delay purchases of assets with negative momentum and delay sales of assets with positive momentum."

Whose tax is it anyway?
05/09/24   Taxes
"I think it's easy to judge the rich and their tax avoidance strategies from the outside looking in, but much harder once you are in their shoes."

The Stingy News Weekly: May 5, 2024
05/05/24   SNW
This week is reserved for Mr. Buffett and his AGM.

Warren Buffett at BRK's AGM
05/05/24   Buffett
7+ Hours of Buffett and Berkshire. [video]

The Stingy News Weekly: April 28, 2024
04/28/24   SNW
This week we have Japan, golf, bear markets and more.

Risk seeking vs. mitigating
04/28/24   Markets
"Golfers often change their approaches mid-hole, mid-round, mid-season, and sometimes even mid-swing. It's unquestionably manic. Yet, golfer behavior pales in comparison to investor behavior."

Not scared of bears
04/28/24   Markets
"Bill Bernstein points to four such risks - deflation, inflation, confiscation and devastation. These are Bernstein's four horsemen of the economic apocalypse, all of which could do major, permanent damage to your portfolio."

Bad financial decisions
04/28/24   Behaviour
"After running the numbers, I've come to realize that foregoing lottery tickets isn't enough to move the needle for the average American."

Japan's stealth profit boom
04/28/24   World
"Today, roughly half of the Japanese companies have net cash balances, and almost none of their EBIT goes to interest there. By contrast, the lion's share of US 500 companies owe the banks money, and almost 15% of EBIT goes to lenders in America. Corporate Japan looks quite different today than it did a couple of decades ago, and we believe this has contributed to the bottom line. The magnitude of the financial statement impact of this transition for shareholders is roughly equivalent to eliminating headline corporate taxation entirely."

Ray Dalio's famous trade is sputtering
04/28/24   Funds
"The only time risk parity was really successful was at the time of the Great Financial Crisis and that was really its heyday."

The Stingy News Weekly: April 21, 2024
04/21/24   SNW
This week we have Ray, sectors, the long term and more.

The quotations of chairman Ray
04/21/24   Management
"Modern postindustrial capitalism can endow vast amounts of wealth upon individuals. When the financial media, desperate for advertising revenue, deifies successful businessmen this frequently divorces them from reality, an effect amplified by lack of feedback from employees and associates petrified by their boss's power over them."

Invest for the decades
04/21/24   Markets
"Even in one of the worst equity markets in history, someone who bought over time would've done okay if they had just stuck with it."

The myth of the mobile millionaire
04/21/24   Taxes
"The notion that rich taxpayers will flee if the state comes for their money is mostly fiction."

Sector neutrality in factor investing
04/21/24   Markets
"We show both analytically and empirically that the average longâ€" short investor is more likely to benefit from hedging out sector bets, whereas the long-only investorshould, on average, avoid sector neutralization."

Performance of the hedge funds
04/21/24   Funds
"confirmed prior research findings that hedge funds with results available on data vendors have been, in aggregate, poor investments, producing negative alphas and thus subtracting hundreds of billions of value from investor portfolios."

The Stingy News Weekly: April 14, 2024
04/14/24   SNW
This week we have luck, work, withdrawals, and more.

Lucky vs. repeatable
04/14/24   Behaviour
"In business and investing, you want to learn the big lessons about why things behave the way they do without assuming the past is a direct guide to the future, because it's not - most of the details are not repeatable."

What global withdrawal rates teach us
04/14/24   Retirement
"One thing that I think withdrawal rate sceptics have right is their suspicion that over-relying on the performance of one country isn't necessarily the best approach for risk management. The top global withdrawal rate portfolios all have heavy allocations to foreign markets either through stocks, bonds, or global real assets. Small bias to the home stock market can be productive, as well as a healthy dose of domestic bills. But if you want to protect yourself from the home economy tanking, global diversification is the way to go."

Back to work
04/14/24   Retirement
"Call it the great unretirement. Hit by rising living costs and unexpected feelings of boredom, one out of eight retirees plan to return to work this year, according to a recent survey."

It's not the economy
04/14/24   Markets
"One of the most widely cited surveys papers, summing up all the economic literature on the ability of financial market movements to predict economic growth, said that while economists have often noted some sort of link between stocks and growth, 'upon closer inspection, however, this link is murky.'"

Where it goes
04/14/24   Thrift
"A lifetime of frugality has made such spending and giving a whole lot sweeter. It really does feel wonderfully luxurious. And whenever the cash outflow makes me a little uncomfortable, I reassure myself that such expenditures are indeed discretionary and, if necessary, we could eliminate them and our annual spending would plunge."

The Stingy News Weekly: April 7, 2024
04/07/24   SNW
This week we have value, Cliff, market history, ETFs, and more.

The empirical problem with competitive strategy
04/06/24   Markets
"There is no empirical evidence that a company's market share predicts its profitability. But that hasn't stopped academics, business school curricula, and management consulting firms from promulgating the idea for decades."

Cliff Asness interview
04/06/24   Asness
"We talk about diversifying by both asset class and geography, the challenge of managing short-term expectations while keeping a long-term perspective, and ..." [video]

Cognitive dissonance
04/06/24   Asness
"Here are a few things I would've thought were hard for investors to believe simultaneously. I would've been wrong"

Buying tiny ETFs
04/03/24   Indexing
"We went with a NAV trade in this case, deploying $60 million into a $6 million ETF very efficiently in a single trade."

The Stingy News Weekly: March 31, 2024
03/31/24   SNW
This week we have value, trading, momentum, real estate, and more.

Shining moment
03/31/24   Markets
"Where will gold go from here? It's hard to know. Gold doesn't pay any income. As Warren Buffett likes to say, it 'just sits there.' In fact, gold costs money to hold, because it requires storage space and security."

The B-Team
03/30/24   Markets
"we do not believe the current market and profit cycles are perpetual. Like past cycles, we expect many of the trends inflating profits and asset prices will revert and be proven unsustainable. In basketball terms, this game (cycle) isn't over. We plan to keep shooting, finish the game, and are prepared for the final shot. Instead of giving up, we believe valuations matter more today than ever."

Rent or buy
03/30/24   Real Estate
"Putting the non-monetary issues aside, the most eye-opening thing I learned from this analysis was that you cannot know with certainty whether buying or renting is the right choice until far into the future. Why? Because of future inflation"

Economic momentum
03/30/24   Markets
"Strong empirical evidence demonstrates that momentum (both cross-sectional and time-series) provides information on the cross-section of returns of many risk assets and has generated alpha relative to existing asset pricing models. Brooks, Feilbogen, Ooi, and Akant's study adds to that body of research by providing tests of pervasiveness and robustness, increasing our confidence that the findings of momentum in asset prices are not a result of data mining."

90% is much better than nothing
03/30/24   Markets
"Noise is not only a fact of life for financial data, it is present in economic data, health data even data about Reddit comments. As the great Fischer Black said in his prescient article on data noise, published almost 40 years ago: 'I think almost all markets are efficient almost all of the time. 'Almost all' means at least 90%.'"

The trading game
03/30/24   Books
"Gary's book is a powerful tale of the industry and the people who work with Gary. And these people are driven, it seems, only by greed and characterised by a complete lack of ethics. These people are empty corporate automatons. And if the reader recognises himself in parts of this story, the question Gary asks implicitly is: What are you going to do about it?"

The Stingy News Weekly: March 24, 2024
03/24/24   SNW
This week we have quality, forecasting, markets, and more.

Forecasting is hard
03/23/24   Markets
"Although we might not like to admit it, we know that forecasting economic and market variables is tough, but just how tough? A new study by Don Moore and Sandy Campbell sought to answer this question. They looked at 16,559 forecasts made in the Survey of Professional Forecasters since 1968, and found that those making expert predictions had 53% confidence in their accuracy but were only correct 23% of the time."

Why are U.S. stocks expensive?
03/23/24   Markets
"But I do think Zack Morris is right to describe the U.S. stock market as a savings vehicle as much as an investing one, thereby earning a monetary premium."

Why quality stocks perform so well
03/23/24   Markets
"And this is good news for investors because it means that investing in highly profitable companies is not associated with higher risks and at the same time based on behavioural biases that are unlikely to change over time, so the effect should be relatively persistent."

A quiet life
03/23/24   Retirement
"For me, retirement isn't all that different from childhood. There have been very few other times when life felt relatively carefree. These days, I solve puzzles on my phone, rather than in a magazine, and I write my life stories using a Chromebook, not a notebook. The quiet life isn't for everyone. But it suits me just fine."

Fairfax Week 2024
03/23/24   Stingy Investing
"Check out this year's Canadian carnival for capitalists."

2023 private equity fundamentals
03/23/24   Markets
"PE-backed firms generally have much lower margins than public companies, so this rise in interest costs has meant that the median PE-backed company is actually generating zero free cash flow."

The Stingy News Weekly: March 17, 2024
03/17/24   SNW
This week we have momentum, small caps, working, and more.

Seven reasons to work
03/17/24   Retirement
"Before you dive into the world of endless vacations and gardening, consider that keeping a toe - and perhaps your whole foot - in the workforce might be the secret ingredient to a fulfilling retirement."

Momentum works everywhere
03/17/24   Momentum Investing
"Across a diverse set of global equities and multiple market capitalizations, we conducted an analysis of 32 distinct long-only factors, including momentum, value, growth, quality, and the market. Notably, momentum demonstrated exceptional performance, surpassing the respective market return in 100% of the samples." [pdf]

Sclerotic small caps
03/17/24   Markets
"We think the changing composition of industries and quality among the small-cap universe is more to blame for weaker recent returns to small caps rather than a structural change in the upward mobility for small-cap equities."

Breaking bad momentum trends
03/17/24   Momentum Investing
"Crashes occurred particularly in reversals from bear markets when the momentum portfolio displayed a negative market beta and momentum volatility was high. Fortunately, the empirical evidence has found that crashes were at least partially predictable and that the predictability and thus the performance of momentum strategies can be improved by employing systematic strategies."

Noisy factors
03/17/24   Value Investing
"A Nobel laureate's theory supports betting on cheaper stocks and sets a benchmark for money managers. But the numbers keep changing. How much does it matter?"

Different this time?
03/17/24   Economy
"Hence, I join Cam Harvey (who brought to prominence the yield curve as recession predictor) who says it's too early to drop the recession call."

The Stingy News Weekly: March 10, 2024
03/10/24   SNW
This week we have the yearbook, momentum, millionaires, and more.

Global Investment Returns Yearbook 2024
03/09/24   Markets
"Today, the US market dominates its closest rival and accounts for a staggering 60.5% of total world equity market value. Japan (6.2%) is in second place, the UK (3.7%) in third position, while Mainland China is ranked fourth (2.8%). France, Canada, Switzerland, Australia, Germany and India each represent 2-3% of the global market, followed by Taiwan with 1.7% and South Korea with a 1.4% weighting."

Cost of capital and capital allocation
03/09/24   Markets
"There is an old saying that 'in theory there is no difference between theory and practice, while in practice there is.' One area where this appears to be true is the actions of public companies in the U.S. during the recent period of 'easy money,' when financial capital was cheap and abundant."

Stocks (and bonds) for the long run
03/09/24   Markets
"Outside the post-World-War years from 1941 to 1981 stocks in the US did not outperform bonds by any meaningful margin. Let me repeat that: Apart from the four decades to the 1980s, stocks did not systematically outperform bonds. Sometimes stocks outperformed bonds, sometimes bonds outperformed stocks"

A momentum crash course
03/09/24   Momentum Investing
"Interestingly, the high-yield spread is not a particularly useful predictor of the forward returns of the 'winner' portfolio. Rather, it significantly predicts momentum crashes by identifying when the 'loser' portfolios will experience positive reversals."

Can the typical person become a millionaire?
03/09/24   Thrift
"So, can the typical person become a millionaire? Not if they take typical actions."

Graphing Dividends 2024
03/06/24   Stingy Investing
"I've written many articles highlighting the big returns generated by Canadian dividend stocks. They usually include only one or two graphs due to space limitations. But I've given the extra graphs a home here for the enjoyment of dividend aficionados." [pdf]

The Stingy News Weekly: March 3, 2024
03/03/24   SNW
This week we have dividends, retirement, losses, and more.

The case for and against dividend ETFs
03/03/24   Dividends
"Unlike stock prices, which move based on the whims of market participants, dividends are set by company management and have been far more stable than prices historically. My favorite example of this comes from The Great Depression where monthly prices declined by nearly 90% (from peak to trough) but dividends weren't even cut in half."

Don't cut your losses?
03/03/24   Momentum
"'Cut your losses' is not a good strategy, as it underperformed the benchmark buy-and-hold portfolio. As Baur and Dimpfl noted, 'Losing stocks rarely continue to fall, which is not surprising in a world where stock markets rise and economies grow on average. In other words, if a rising tide lifts all boats, a cut-your-losses strategy cannot work.'"

Comfort has a cost
03/03/24   Bonds
"In the financial markets, you'll typically pay a high price for certainty. That price is paid in lower investment returns, and sometimes also in greater financial hassles. Yet I see investors paying that price again and again."

Rule, Britannia
03/03/24   World
"We think a long-term bet on upward mean reversion for Europe should also include a cap-weighted allocation to the UK because discounts are greater in Britain. UK stocks represent around 24% of aggregate tickers in the combined investment opportunity sets of the UK and Europe."

The Globe's Dividend All-Stars
03/03/24   Stingy Investing
"We're pleased to present the Globe's Dividend All-Stars, which highlights the best dividend-paying stocks on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX). It includes a wealth of information on the 200 largest companies in the land for bargain seekers and income investors alike. Each stock is measured up for its overall investment appeal and the top 20 five-star stocks make it into the Dividend All-Stars portfolio."

A Protestant retirement ethic?
03/03/24   Retirement
"Moshe Milevsky and Marcos Velazquez have identified one area where there is an advantage to being a Protestant, or at least living in a heavily Protestant society. They document a statistically significant relationship between the share of Protestants living in a country and the quality of the pension system in that country."

The Stingy News Weekly: February 25, 2024
02/25/24   SNW
This week we have dividends, Buffett, retirement, and more.

Buffett's 2023 letter to investors
02/25/24   Buffett
"With that focus, and with our present mix of businesses, Berkshire should do a bit better than the average American corporation and, more important, should also operate with materially less risk of permanent loss of capital. Anything beyond 'slightly better,' though, is wishful thinking"

The low-volatility factor
02/25/24   Markets
"The low-volatility premium may be the most compelling anomaly in financial markets: Less risky securities outperform their riskier counterparts over the long term."

The blue and yellow can
02/25/24   Markets
"the current market reminds us of the late 1990's when investors were also crowding into tech and high-quality stocks. Stocks such as Coca-Cola (KO) were in high demand as investors looked for ways to participate in the rising equity market while minimizing risk. As investors crowded into Coca-Cola's stock to reduce risk, its valuation soared along with the risk of overpaying. The flight into quality eventually resulted in losses, as Coca-Cola's stock declined over 50% from its cycle peak in 1998 to its trough in 2003, reminding us that good businesses don't always make good investments."

Japan's orphans
02/25/24   Value Investing
"Abandoned, deep-value micro-caps found sufficient buyers to produce a sizable premium over other strategies, even when the size premium only worked 50% of the time and liquidity levels and relative valuations for Japan were falling."

The Globe's Dividend All-Stars
02/24/24   Stingy Investing
"We're pleased to present the Globe's Dividend All-Stars, which highlights the best dividend-paying stocks on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX). It includes a wealth of information on the 200 largest companies in the land for bargain seekers and income investors alike. Each stock is measured up for its overall investment appeal and the top 20 five-star stocks make it into the Dividend All-Stars portfolio." [$]

The Globe's Top 20 Dividend All-Stars
02/24/24   Stingy Investing
"We combine all of our yield, value, and market measures to rate the 200 largest dividend stocks on the TSX. Only 20 get a full five out of five stars and are put into the new Dividend All-Stars portfolio." [$]

Faulty assumptions
02/24/24   Retirement
"Many people put a lot of faith in planning software, betting their financial life on assumptions, projections and past performance. The assumptions are usually theirs, but are they accurate? Do they reflect the reality of how they'll live in retirement?"

The Stingy News Weekly: February 17, 2024
02/17/24   SNW
This week we have retirement, all stocks, bond yields, and more.

Why not 100% equities
02/16/24   Asness
"The paper comes to the rather startling game-changing conclusion that long-term investors should be 100% in equities, not in a more diversified portfolio. We have been down this road before with this idea refuted with alacrity and panache at least as far back as the mid-1990s."

Yield is not return
02/16/24   Bonds
"Over the history of our internal bond dataset, returns for bonds rated single B have been 3% behind their yields, and returns for bonds rated CCC have been 7% behind their yields. We suspect that the average result for highly levered private credit deals will fall within that range."

How many factors do you need?
02/16/24   Markets
"Putting all this together, we end up with the knowledge that the factor zoo can be reduced to some 10 to 20 factors and that among the most important factors to consider are value, momentum, quality, and growth."

The persistence of growth
02/16/24   Markets
"An implicit assumption in most forecasts is that growth is persistent. While analysts underwrite high growth for companies that have grown quickly and slow growth for companies that have grown slowly in the past, a large body of evidence demonstrates that reversion to the mean of both positive and negative abnormal earnings growth is the norm."

Fire meets ice
02/16/24   Retirement
"While I think our current concept of retirement could do with some tweaking, I wouldn't want to discourage folks from saving aggressively for their later years. At the same time, I think it's instructive to think about a different model of retirement, one where we continue to earn at least some income well into our 70s and perhaps beyond."

Fear of heights
02/16/24   Indexing
"In other words, we'd all prefer to invest when the market's cheap, but investors were still better off putting money into the market at all-time highs than not at all. The lesson: Investors who wait on the sidelines in the hope of earning better returns may miss out on receiving any returns."

The Stingy News Weekly: February 9, 2024
02/09/24   SNW
This week we have increasing returns, bias, spending, and more.

Increasing returns
02/09/24   Markets
"Although Adam Smith pointed out increasing returns two and a half centuries ago, much of economic theory over time has featured perfect competition and decreasing returns. However, Kenneth Arrow, an economist and also a Nobel Prize winner, noted that a review of economic studies over time reveals that, “[the theory of increasing returns] acts like an underground river, springing to the surface only every few decades.”10 Research over the past 50 years has allowed the river to flow to the surface, and it is time to see what it has to say and what it means." [pdf]

Overcoming experimenter bias
02/09/24   Markets
"One dramatic visual example of backtest overfitting is shown in the graph at the right, which displays the mean excess return (compared to benchmarks) of newly minted exchange-traded index-linked funds, both in the months of design prior to submission to U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission for approval, and in the months after the fund was actually fielded. The 'knee' in the graph at 0 shows unmistakably the difference between statistically overfit designs and actual field experience."

Thoughts on spending money
02/09/24   Thrift
"Everyone can spend money in a way that will make them happier, but there is no universal formula on how to do it. The nice stuff that makes me happy might seem crazy to you, and vice versa. Like many things in finance, debates over what kind of lifestyle you should live are often just people with different personalities talking over each other."

Overrated things in personal finance
02/09/24   Thrift
"Retiring at age 35 sounds interesting in principle, but it in practice, it would be hell. Imagine being completely idle and have nothing to do except worry about your small pile of money turning to dust."

Pods, passive flows, and punters
02/09/24   Markets
"Eventually, the market is a weighing machine. If you want some evidence â€" even from some of the most iconic, well-followed, index-heavy, retail-engaged, pod-owned, successful companies, it is still, eventually, about the fundies."

The Stingy News Weekly: February 3, 2024
02/03/24   SNW
This week we have happiness, plans, passive, value, and more.

Keep your investment plan on track
02/03/24   Behaviour
"When you don't watch the market every day, you can finally see with unquestionable clarity that what you would have expected to happen didn't. The unexpected did."

The right level of inflation
02/03/24   World
"once inflation surpasses 1%, views change quite quickly. The share of people who think inflation is too high and would better be lower starts to rise quickly, while the share of people who think inflation would be just right drops fast. This indicates that any change in the inflation target will likely trigger a significant public debate and will not be easy to communicate to the public."

Investing at all-time highs
02/03/24   Markets
"Historically, equities (as a whole) tend to outperform in the short run following all-time highs, but there is less clarity over longer time periods."

Valuing Japan's reform
02/03/24   Value Investing
"44% of Japanese companies trade at <1x P/B, but they're almost all microcaps"

Trend to passive investing
02/03/24   Indexing
"Expense ratios (about 70 basis points higher for active funds) largely explained the differences between gross and net returns for both active and index funds."

Happiness research
02/03/24   Behaviour
"From meditation to smiling, researchers take a second look at studies claiming to reveal what makes us happy."

The Stingy News Weekly: January 28, 2024
01/28/24   SNW
This week we have the Globe 250, bond yields, momentum, indexing, and more.

From COW to KARS
01/28/24   Indexing
"The ideal investment, in my opinion, is a simple, broadly diversified stock or bond index fund, such as one that tracks the S&P 500."

Moving average distance and momentum
01/28/24   Momentum Investing
"Our research suggests that active managers should pay attention to the distance between short- and long-run moving averages of prices in developing models for forecasting equity returns. We show that trading rules based on this distance present significant profits in historical data after accounting for reasonable trading cost estimates."

Ask what your credit quality pays
01/28/24   Bonds
"So rather than target a 7% yield, or any other yield, perhaps the right question is: "What's the best I can do in the liquid credit market?" The yield on the BB index is a good approximation. Right now, the BB index yields 6.6%. Meanwhile, the single B index yields 7.8% and the high-yield index yields 7.9%. Those are juicy 7% yields, but they are also less likely to be realized."

The Globe 250 for 2024
01/28/24   Stingy Investing
"We're pleased to toast the New Year with our Megastar ranking of Canada's largest publicly traded companies. It contains key investing data on 250 major stocks, with a star rating for each company's momentum appeal and another for its value merit. Both are combined to form the Megastar portfolio, which outperformed the market by 9.4 percentage points since last year. Cheers!"

Return-to-office mandates
01/28/24   Management
"Results of our determinant analyses are consistent with managers using RTO mandates to reassert control over employees and blame employees as a scapegoat for bad firm performance. Also, our findings do not support the argument that managers impose mandate because they believe RTO increases firm values. Further, our difference in differences tests report significant declines in employees' job satisfactions mandates but no significant changes in financial performance or firm values after RTO mandates."

Investing in beauty trends
01/21/24   Markets
"Fashion may garner the attention but it's the little things - lipsticks and face creams - that steadily rake in the dollars no matter who is designing the frocks that season."

The Stingy News Weekly: January 21, 2024
01/21/24   SNW
This week we have beauty, highs, money, China, and more.

New all-time highs
01/21/24   Markets
"Most of the time new highs are followed by more new highs. The average one, three, five and ten year total returns following new highs were +16%, +27%, +59% and +206%, respectively."

Our money pit
01/21/24   Thrift
"We just finished a project that proved so expensive that, if I revealed the cost, my reputation for frugality would be in tatters. The cost was comfortably - or perhaps uncomfortably - into six figures. What if we sold our Philadelphia townhome tomorrow? I figure we might recoup half of what we just spent."

Adding China?
01/21/24   World
"To the extent that your portfolio is diversified internationally, it's important to keep an eye on developments elsewhere. At the top of the list: China, which is now the world's second-largest economy."

Regional growth and returns
01/21/24   Markets
"We believe the simple argument to invest in the fastest-growing region doesn't work as an investment strategy - something investors should be conscious of as they hear the seductive calls to overweight the United States even further."

Should your job determine how you invest?
01/21/24   Markets
"For example, as someone who works in the financial industry, this table suggests that I should have some of my wealth invested in commodities (despite their poor track record) and that I shouldn't have any allocation to REITs."

Asset Mixer Update
01/16/24   Stingy Investing
We've updated our Asset Mixer to include real return data for 2023.

Periodic Table Update
01/16/24   Stingy Investing
We've updated our periodic table of annual returns for Canadians to include real return data for 2023.

The Stingy News Weekly: January 14, 2024
01/14/24   SNW
This week we have the Charlie, forecasts, 100% stocks, shorts, and more.

Oh those share price forecasts
01/14/24   Markets
"A simple forecast of a 7.5% return for the S&P 500 (the average annual price change since the end of World War II) would have been better than either the analyst bottom-up forecasts or the strategists' forecasts. Over the last twenty years, it would have been slightly pessimistic, but the root mean square error (RMSE) as a measure of forecast accuracy of this simple 7.5% forecast was lower than either the RMSE of the bottom-up analyst forecasts or the strategists' forecasts."

A lifetime of wisdom
01/14/24   Munger
"Though Munger was an active investment manager, he didn't base his decisions on forecasts. He simply looked to buy good businesses with honest managers at attractive prices. That was the extent of the time he spent on predictions."

The all U.S. stock portfolio
01/14/24   Markets
"Though the U.S. stock market is far more diversified than any other stock market on Earth, investing 100% of your portfolio into U.S. stocks is inherently tilting your portfolio toward the U.S. technology sector."

Money misconceptions
01/14/24   Markets
"Sure, a big paycheck makes it easier to save. But in the end, what matters is your savings rate as a percentage of your income, rather than the size of your paycheck. In other words, a modest earner could potentially achieve financial freedom faster than a high-income individual with undisciplined spending and savings habits."

Costly shorts
01/14/24   Markets
"we believe in most instances the most pragmatic application of hard-to-borrow data is to steer clear of taking long positions in these stocks, serving as a strategic compass in the often-tumultuous seas of market speculation."

Ways you pay more for less
01/14/24   Thrift
"Andrew Chang breaks down four reasons your grocery bill might be rising" [video]

The Stingy News Weekly: January 7, 2024
01/07/24   SNW
This week we have the trading, balance, biotech, and more.

Crowded trades
01/07/24   Markets
"On average, crowded stocks were associated with future superior returns, while the least crowded stocks provided inferior returns"

Your money or your life
01/07/24   Thrift
"This partially explains why only 1 in 4 people with over $3 million in investable assets are self-made"

The biotech boneyard
01/06/24   Markets
"It seems that there is but one savior for biotechs with no revenue: get to revenue."

Turned the tide
01/06/24   Tech
"Forty years ago, scientists did the impossible. Why doesn't anyone remember?"

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