A clever way to beat the taxman |
11/17/13 | | Cestnick |
"Many seniors would like to have the opportunity to claim RRSP deductions even after age 71 when their RRSP is no longer around. You can do this by contributing to a spousal RRSP if your spouse has not yet reached at 71 and still has an RRSP. Or, you can consider a 'senior's overcontribution.'"
Help with unwinding loved one's estate |
08/16/09 | | Cestnick |
"We then started talking about the work that it can be to look after an estate after someone has passed away. Not the most uplifting conversation, I know, but Nancy had questions, because her mother had just passed away, leaving her and her brother to look after the estate. Here's a checklist of important financial issues to deal with when someone passes away."
Opening the door to savings |
08/17/08 | | Cestnick |
"I'm commonly asked: "Now that I'm married, what tax benefits exist?" The fact is, having a spouse can come with some tax opportunities. And by the way, a spouse under Canadian tax law includes a common-law partner (same sex or not) that you've been living with in a conjugal relationship for 12 months or more. So, when I use the term "spouse" today, I'm referring to legally married couples, or those common-law partners I just mentioned. While there will be other ideas, the following are six of the key opportunities available to spouses."
How students can ease the cost pain |
09/02/06 | | Cestnick |
"So, now that you're convinced your child needs an education, let's talk about 10 smart strategies for students."