High-interest accounts have value in low-rate times |
03/11/04 | | Banks |
"Check out the posted GIC rates at the big banks -- three-year rates are just below 2 per cent and five-year rates are in the range of 2.5 per cent. Even if your bank likes you and tacks on an extra half a point of interest, you're still not getting anywhere near the value of a high-interest account."
Cash is king in an unplugged society |
08/19/03 | | Banks |
"Dreams of a cashless society died last Thursday afternoon at the same moment the power went out in Ontario and points south. In a world unplugged, cash is king."
The extraordinary lightness of banking |
07/05/03 | | Banks |
"Times are tough, right? Try telling America's big banks, which are raking in record profits. Luck has played a big part."
Fees turning us into the Luddites of bank machines |
05/06/03 | | Banks |
"This nation of pacifist consumers is staging a quiet revolt against rising bank machine service fees. Not only are people complaining about having to pay these fees, they're making unprecedented cutbacks in their use of bank machines."
Five good reasons to hate surcharges |
03/06/03 | | Banks |
"There are any number of reasons to condemn the new service fees on bank machine withdrawals, but let's focus on the five best."
The dough |
10/24/01 | | Banks |
The story of one man's struggle as he attempts to cash a U.S. cheque at a Canadian bank. Great fun but you'll Flash to see it.