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The Stingy News Weekly (01/22/2012)

"In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is."
- Yogi Berra

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Keep it simple
"Unlike many in the banking industry, Petrou is not ideologically opposed to regulation. For instance, she was a critic of the lack of regulation that allowed so many sleazy subprime mortgage originators to emerge from the precrisis ooze. Yet, now, she’s worried about something different: that the hundreds of new mandates required by the Dodd-Frank law are creating a new kind of risk. She calls it “complexity risk.” As she put it in a speech she delivered last week in New York: “If we don’t understand the cross-cutting effects and inherent contradictions in all of the stringent standards now being written into final form, we risk doing real damage to the sound, stable and — yes — profitable financial industry regulators say they support and the economies sorely need.”"

Super fracking
"As regulators and environmentalists study whether hydraulic fracturing can damage the environment, industry scientists are studying ways to create longer, deeper cracks in the earth to release more oil and natural gas."

Lower prices via new tech
"Due to the record levels of natural gas production and the unseasonably warm weather this winter, prices keep falling. The price for U.S. natural gas futures contracts dropped to a ten-year low of $2.47 per million BTUs in trading on the NYMEX yesterday"

"Many of the webs most important and integral websites are protesting seriously flawed legislation called SOPA. It would greatly damage the linking structure of the internet, allowing companies to close down websites on flimsiest of premises. It would criminalize even pointing to any site that itself points to a site where there is a Copyright violation. Over the years, the copyright cartel — this includes Disney and other major content companies — have bought themselves a Congress. They prevented works that were scheduled to enter the public domain, as envisioned in the US Constitution, from doing so. SOPA is the latest attempt to censor the public’s access to independent information and manipulate copyright laws. The new law works to their own benefit and the public’s detriment."

How sneaky governments steal your money
"Many nations in the developed world are in deep do-do with their debt levels. On one hand they need growth to earn their way out of their problems, while on the other they’re being forced into anti-growth austerity measures by markets, concerned about their spiralling interest obligations. It’s a grim position for those of us brought up to expect an unrelentingly rosy economic outlook. This isn’t a new situation, though. We’ve been here many, many times before and governments have, by design and evolutionary accident, developed many, many ways of dealing with these problems. The cunning thing is that many of these involve stealthily thieving from their own citizens, but done so surreptitiously that, if we’re not careful, we won’t even notice it."

The rally that wouldn't die
"Last year's surge came in the 30th year of a historic rally. Since 1981, long-term Treasury bonds have returned 11.03% annually, 0.05 percentage point better than the Standard and Poor's 500-stock index."

Mutual funds vs ETFs
"The market share lost by mutual funds is not surprisingly shifting to ETFs. ETF fees tend to be lower, yet they provide better liquidity and the ability to time the market, including intraday trading. That makes ETFs appealing not just to retail investors, but to institutions as well."

This relatively inegalitarian isle
"Of course, it’s important to put charts like this in perspective, which is why we should also consult Miles Corak, the University of Ottawa professor whose work has been used here by Krueger (and Krugman). Here’s Corak’s unabridged Great Gatsby Curve. ... A rather different picture, innit?"

DOW 30 Value Screens

High Dividend Yield StocksP/EP/BP/SYield
AT&T (T)2535
Verizon (VZ)2345
Merck (MRK)1415
Pfizer (PFE)3425
General Electric (GE)3435
Johnson & Johnson (JNJ)2315
Intel (INTC)4314
EI DuPont (DD)4144
Procter & Gamble (PG)1324
Chevron (CVX)5454
Notes | More Info...

Low Price/Earnings StocksP/EP/BP/SYield
Chevron (CVX)5454
JP Morgan Chase (JPM)5533
Hewlett-Packard (HPQ)5552
Exxon Mobil (XOM)5342
Alcoa (AA)5551
Microsoft (MSFT)4213
Intel (INTC)4314
Coca-Cola (KO)4113
American Express (AXP)4221
Wal-Mart (WMT)4252
Notes | More Info...

Value Ratio StocksP/EP/BP/SYieldV.R.
Chevron (CVX)54542.64
AT&T (T)25352.67
Verizon (VZ)23453.07
JP Morgan Chase (JPM)55333.09
Intel (INTC)43143.46
Pfizer (PFE)34253.80
Microsoft (MSFT)42133.86
EI DuPont (DD)41444.07
General Electric (GE)34354.07
Coca-Cola (KO)41134.47
Notes | More Info...

US Stock SummaryYieldP/EV.R.
Chevron (CVX)YYY
Coca-Cola (KO)YY
EI DuPont (DD)YY
General Electric (GE)YY
JP Morgan Chase (JPM)YY
Microsoft (MSFT)YY
Pfizer (PFE)YY
Verizon (VZ)YY
Alcoa (AA)Y
American Express (AXP)Y
Exxon Mobil (XOM)Y
Hewlett-Packard (HPQ)Y
Johnson & Johnson (JNJ)Y
Merck (MRK)Y
Procter & Gamble (PG)Y
Wal-Mart (WMT)Y

S&P/TSX60 Value Screens

High Dividend Yield StocksP/EP/BP/SYield
Enerplus (ERF)5515
Sun Life Financial (SLF)2555
TransAlta (TA)4445
BCE Inc. (BCE)3145
ARC Resources (ARX)1315
Penn West Petroleum (PWT)3525
Husky Energy (HSE)4445
Canadian Oil Sands (COS)5225
Bank of Montreal (BMO)4435
CIBC (CM)5235
Notes | More Info...

Low Price/Earnings StocksP/EP/BP/SYield
Research In Motion (RIM)5550
Iamgold (IMG)5422
Brookfield (BAM.A)5442
Bombardier (BBD.B)5153
Enerplus (ERF)5515
Inmet Mining (IMN)5411
Agrium (AGU)5351
Canadian Oil Sands (COS)5225
Teck Resources (TCK.B)5433
Barrick Gold (ABX)5322
Notes | More Info...

Value Ratio StocksP/EP/BP/SYieldV.R.
Enerplus (ERF)55150.97
Canadian Oil Sands (COS)52252.01
TransAlta (TA)44452.03
CIBC (CM)52352.26
Husky Energy (HSE)44452.28
Bank of Montreal (BMO)44352.43
Sun Life Financial (SLF)25552.49
Power Corp of Canada (POW)44542.55
National Bank (NA)43342.86
BCE Inc. (BCE)31452.89
Notes | More Info...

Canadian Stock SummaryYieldP/EV.R.
Canadian Oil Sands (COS)YYY
Enerplus (ERF)YYY
Bank of Montreal (BMO)YY
Husky Energy (HSE)YY
Sun Life Financial (SLF)YY
TransAlta (TA)YY
ARC Resources (ARX)Y
Agrium (AGU)Y
Barrick Gold (ABX)Y
Bombardier (BBD.B)Y
Brookfield (BAM.A)Y
Iamgold (IMG)Y
Inmet Mining (IMN)Y
National Bank (NA)Y
Penn West Petroleum (PWT)Y
Power Corp of Canada (POW)Y
Research In Motion (RIM)Y
Teck Resources (TCK.B)Y

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  10: 03 10 17 24 31
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  08: 01 08 15 22 29
  07: 04 11 16 25
  06: 06 13 20 27
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  04: 04 11 18 25
  03: 07 14 21 28
  02: 07 14 21 28
  01: 03 10 17 24 31


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