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The Stingy News Weekly (08/22/2010)

"People like the robber barons assumed that the doctrine of the survival of the fittest authenticated them as deserving power. You know, "I'm the richest. Therefore, I'm the best. God's in his heaven, etc." And that reaction of the robber barons was so irritating to people that it made it unfashionable to think of an economy as an ecosystem. But the truth is that it is a lot like an ecosystem. And you get many of the same results."
- Charlie Munger

Stingy Links

Lou Simpson retiring from Geico
"Lou Simpson, the Chicago-based investor with such a stellar track record he once was considered the successor to Warren Buffett, is retiring at the end of the year after decades managing Geico's investment portfolio."

But still expensive
"A few years ago, a research paper by three academics claimed that Canadian mutual funds levied higher average fees than funds in seventeen other countries. Since average Canadian fund fees are high, the media jumped all over this research - despite being incomplete. Reading through many versions of the paper, it became clear that the core data and underlying assumptions were questionable."

Mott's strike
"After nearly 90 days of picketing in the broiling sun outside the sprawling Mott's apple juice plant here in upstate New York, Michelle Muoio recognizes that the lengthy strike is about far more than whether the 305 hourly workers at the plant get a fatter or slimmer paycheck."

Beware of 'independent' research
"It was the medical profession, of course, that sparked the first real public outcry over corporate-funded research. After regulators exposed cases in which researchers doctored data in favor of drug companies, oversight of medical-school faculty tightened. "If people step over the line, it ends up being a big brouhaha," says James O'Toole, professor of business ethics at the University of Denver. But business schools say keeping the corporate world at arm's length would run counter to their core mission."

The free-marketeers strike back
"'From an historical perspective, the current crisis follows a well-known pattern,' says Princeton University's Jose Scheinkman. 'It is astounding,' agrees Columbia University's Charles Calomiris, to what extent 'the current banking crisis fits into the pattern of all banking crises that we have known about since the fifteenth century': excessive leverage and a strong belief in ever-rising prices, followed by a collapse of trust in, and a run on, the banks. 'The weakness of many contemporary economists is a short memory,' Calomiris adds. It's an amnesia shared by the public, which tends to erase bad memories. After all, banks usually work pretty well, so long periods of time can pass without a crisis breaking out, making it much easier to forget."

DOW 30 Value Screens

High Dividend Yield StocksP/EP/BP/SP/DYield
Verizon (VZ)14555
AT&T (T)34355
Pfizer (PFE)25255
Merck (MRK)54155
EI DuPont (DD)42355
Kraft (KFT)54444
Chevron (CVX)54444
Johnson & Johnson (JNJ)32144
Home Depot (HD)23544
Intel (INTC)43244
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Value Ratio StocksP/EP/BP/SP/DVR
AT&T (T)34351.93
Merck (MRK)54152.00
Chevron (CVX)54442.35
Travelers (TRV)55432.59
Kraft (KFT)54442.65
EI DuPont (DD)42352.87
Johnson & Johnson (JNJ)32143.28
Pfizer (PFE)25253.35
Intel (INTC)43243.43
Exxon Mobil (XOM)43433.79
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Graham-Lite StocksP/EP/BP/DG$dG$(%)
Travelers (TRV)55391.3382.33
JP Morgan Chase (JPM)55156.1251.11
Chevron (CVX)54496.3628.40
Kraft (KFT)54434.2717.78
Merck (MRK)54539.5914.94
AT&T (T)34528.708.50
General Electric (GE)25315.060.20
Pfizer (PFE)25515.930.08
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Top US StocksYieldV.R.Graham
Chevron (CVX)YYY
Kraft (KFT)YYY
Merck (MRK)YYY
Pfizer (PFE)YYY
EI DuPont (DD)YY
Intel (INTC)YY
Johnson & Johnson (JNJ)YY
Travelers (TRV)YY
Exxon Mobil (XOM)Y
General Electric (GE)Y
Home Depot (HD)Y
JP Morgan Chase (JPM)Y
Verizon (VZ)Y

S&P/TSX60 Value Screens

High Dividend Yield StocksP/EP/BP/SP/DYield
Transalta (TA)14455
BCE (BCE)54455
Sun Life (SLF)25555
CIBC (CM)52355
Bank of Montreal (BMO)43355
Husky Energy (HSE)34455
Telus (T)43455
Power Corp (POW)34555
TransCanada (TRP)34155
National Bank (NA)54355
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Value Ratio StocksP/EP/BP/SP/DVR
BCE (BCE)54452.09
National Bank (NA)54352.24
CIBC (CM)52352.31
Bank of Montreal (BMO)43352.81
Telus (T)43453.02
Sun Life (SLF)25553.34
Royal Bank (RY)42243.35
Husky Energy (HSE)34453.49
Power Corp (POW)34553.61
Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS)32343.61
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Graham-Lite StocksP/EP/BP/DG$dG$(%)
Teck Cominco (TCK.B)55247.1737.31
Inmet Mining (IMN)55167.2234.44
Brookfield A.M. (BAM.A)55333.4625.33
Canadian Tire (CTC.A)45267.9023.88
National Bank (NA)54567.5918.09
Encana (ECA)45434.1817.65
Nexen (NXY)45122.8115.34
Sun Life (SLF)25529.2213.81
BCE (BCE)54534.365.07
Power Corp (POW)34526.220.73
Notes | More Info...

Top Canadian StocksYieldV.R.Graham
National Bank (NA)YYY
Power Corp (POW)YYY
Sun Life (SLF)YYY
Bank of Montreal (BMO)YY
Husky Energy (HSE)YY
Telus (T)YY
Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS)Y
Brookfield A.M. (BAM.A)Y
Canadian Tire (CTC.A)Y
Encana (ECA)Y
Inmet Mining (IMN)Y
Nexen (NXY)Y
Royal Bank (RY)Y
Teck Cominco (TCK.B)Y
TransCanada (TRP)Y
Transalta (TA)Y

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